
Why do we give?

God modeled generosity when He gave the world His Son (John 3:16). In obedience to Christ, we are compelled to become more like Him through our giving. As a result, we grow spiritually and reflect God’s generous nature in the world.

How much should we give?

“Tithing” is giving 10 percent of one’s gross income to the church. We teach cheerful tithing as a minimum standard to which Christians should aspire. If you can’t give 10 percent, we would encourage you to start giving any amount now and make tithing a goal.

Cash or Check

Cash or checks can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday morning, or mailed to the following address:

Green Hills Community Church
5035 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37221

Gifts from Stock

Capital gains taxes can be avoided when you donate appreciated stock, and you may receive a tax deduction for the full value of the stock on the date of transfer. To qualify for these tax advantages, you must have owned the stock for at least one year.


You can send us an offering by using Venmo. Sign in to your Venmo account and search @GreenHills-CommunityChurch or scan QR code with your phone to get to our Venmo account directly. In the note "What is it for?" write "GHCC Capital Campaign".


Give from IRA

If you are over 70.5 years old, you can give to the church directly from your traditional IRA. These donations count toward your required minimum distribution but are not taxed, potentially lowering your adjusted gross income for tax purposes. Talk about this with your tax advisor and work with your IRA custodian to donate from your IRA.

Contributions will be credited to the calendar year in which they are received and can be mailed to:

Green Hills Community Church
5035 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37221

Give from Your Will

Many people have the desire to leave a legacy gift for their church or other favorite charities. Completing a will and estate documents allows you to do that. To give a legacy gift for Green Hills Community Church, please email us: [email protected]

What We Believe

Everything we do is shaped by, fueled by, and in response to who God is and all that He’s done for us in his Son, Jesus Christ. From worship to children’s ministry, outreach to giving, the gospel is our foundation, inspiration, and purpose. We are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with all ethnic and cultural people groups.

Your Church Family

Through Christ, God has brought each of us into His family and called us to love one another, even as He has loved us. Family life has its ups and downs and can be beautiful but also complicated. We embrace this, and are committed to grow together, serve together, and - above all - to love and care for each other.

For Our City

While we exist as a family, we never want our focus to be mainly inward. We have been called to love our neighbors and to reach our community. As a church, our goal is to see Green Hills and the Greater Nashville area grow, thrive, and prosper... and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus as Lord!